2018 Goals Mid-Year Review

Goal setting and planning is not something that should happen just at New Year’s and then be forgotten. For me its a nearly continuous process, but the midpoint of the year is a particularly good time to review them. Since the beginning of 2018, are you on track to complete your goals for the year?  I remember the gym I used to go to when I lived in Florida. In January it would be absolutely packed, and then by February all of the New Year’s resolution people would be gone and it would be back to normal. (In Colorado people tend to stay active throughout the year so that phenomenon is not as extreme) Hopefully you aren’t one of those people and are sticking with your plans. But things do change over time so maybe are there goals it makes sense to drop? For the ones that are still important are you on track or do you need to get started and/or pick up the pace? Are there new ones to include? I’m not going to discuss all the goals I set at the beginning of the year, but I’ll review some the the important ones that relate to notes.

My first goal I wanted to complete was Scott Carson’s Fast Track training. This one I knocked out back in February. I walked away from it with a to-do list of 76 items. Some of these are relatively simple, and others are much more involved. So far I’ve completed about 2/3 of the list, but reviewing it before writing this email provided a good reminder of some of the things I still need to get going on. Both the technical knowledge I gained and the network through the mastermind group and WCN crew have been tremendously helpful to my notes business.

Next I wanted to buy 10 notes over the course of the year. I figured that would establish me as an active note investor. I’ve already completed this one, and when I close on the next 3 notes I have bids accepted on I’ll be at 13 total. Obviously I set this one too low and need a new goal for the number of notes I want to close in 2018. I’m in the process of figuring out what that should be. There is a tension here between going for a larger number like 30+, and going smaller and building more of the systems and processes needed to scale. My ultimate goal is to have a portfolio of a couple hundred notes, and there are some things I need to do to make that manageable. Either way I plan to slow down on acquisitions over the next month or 2 and focus more on other aspects of my business that will make it more scalable.  Part of that will be bringing on an assistant to help with some of the mechanics of the business.

Another goal involved finding funding partners. I’ve completed this goal as well and so far have found finding funding easier that I expected at the beginning of the year.

Overall I’m on track for the year, but there is still a long ways to go. I expect the second half to be even busier than the first half was. How are you doing so far accomplishing your goals for 2018? Whether you are on track or have some catching up to do, I’d love to hear from you.