Becoming a Full Time Note Investor

I’ve given notice to my employer that I will be leaving my day job, and as of August 1 I’ll be a full time note investor! This means I’ll be able to bring you more videos on using Excel, more deals, and also more lessons learned from my experiences.

Since the beginning of 2018 not only did my note business start to take off, but I also became recognized for some things in my day job and was asked to take on more responsibilities like business development. While both of those things are awesome it became increasingly obvious I was not going to be able to grow my note business and continue to kick butt in my day job, while also taking care of my family. Something was going to have to give and I didn’t want to be in a position where I was going to do either job half-assed. I also have some existing funding partners, and new ones interested in JV’ing on notes. If I am going to take on outside money, I owe it to them to make sure I have time to stay on top of all of the details related to their deals.

While I’m excited and nervous as I approach this, it was really an easy decision for me to make. It was easy because of a few things:

  • I am way more passionate about being a note investor than I am about my job as a Product Manager.
  • My wife is fully on board with making this change and actively encouraged me.
  • There is a lot more financial upside as a note investor.
  • Its relatively low financial risk to me for a variety of reasons.
  • This will give me the ability to focus on one thing. I’d rather go deep in one area than spread myself thin.
I’m going to be a guest on Scott Carson’s Note Closers Show. August 1. On that show I’ll go into a lot more detail on the transition, so please check it out. I’ll send more details on where and where to find the show when we get closer to the date.