More Tips on Using Excel For Mortgage Notes

When going through a tape I often gather data on the properties from websites like Zillow, Google Maps and others. To make it easier to revisit those sites without having to do another search, you can simply add a hyperlink to a cell within Excel. Then with a single click you can get back to the Zillow or Google Maps page for a particular property.

I don’t usually do it, but I know many people like to add images of the properties to a spreadsheet. If the images aren’t configured properly, then they can move around as you make changes to the spreadsheet and can be difficult to manage. In the video I also show how to lock images to a particular cell and prevent the problems of images moving around and getting in the wrong place.

Creating Hyperlinks and Inserting Images Into Cells
Note Acquisitions
This week I was able to close on 2 more notes, and was able to get 1 bid accepted. I also have a few other bids out that I am waiting to hear back on.

Pontiac, MI

Kansas City, KS

Next week I’ll go through the final due diligence on the bid I had accepted, and follow up on some of the other bids I have out. Overall I’m starting to get into a steady cadence of finding, funding and closing on notes.