Preferred Investor List + New Excel Video

Preferred Investor List

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve received a number of calls and emails asking about JV opportunities. So I’m setting up a separate email list for those who are interested in hearing about deals when I get them. This is the list I will go to first with any Joint Venture opportunities. I submitted some bids last week and have more going in this week, so hopefully some of those work out and I have some assets available soon. If you would like to be on the preferred investor list please click below:


New Excel Video

Its been a few weeks since I’ve produced a new Excel video, so here is the latest:

This one is on conditional formatting. If you are experienced with Excel you probably already know about this one. But I received a question recently about if there was a way to change the formatting of a cell based on its value, so I know some people aren’t aware of it. This feature can come in handy if you are scrubbing a tape and want to highlight cells that meet certain criteria.

Post Mastermind Activities

It was a hectic week after returning from the Mastermind in Cape Coral. I got home ~2am Monday morning, and proceeded to have a week filled almost wall to wall with meetings every day. Fortunately I found time to talk to some asset managers and investors. I also put bids in on 4 CFD’s, using an adjusted process I learned about at the Mastermind. Then I had some new tapes come in on Friday. I’ve been going through these over the weekend and more bids will go out on Monday and Tuesday, so I hope to have some new assets soon.