The Big Q4 Push

The 4th quarter is the busiest quarter for note investors. Asset managers are cleaning up their portfolios and trying to hit targets before the end of the year. In preparation for this I’ve spent the last couple months driving some of my current deals to good exits, building cash, and cleaning up my own portfolio ahead of time. This should give me the bandwidth and ability to take advantage of any deals that pop up before the end of the year.

I’ve had a number of requests from folks who are interested in JV deals on non-performing notes or buying partials on performing loans. I’m trying to be very targeted in the deals that I do pick up. So if you are looking for deals and would like to be notified when I have ones available, you can sign up for my Preferred Investor email list here. There is also a link at the bottom of this email. Later this week I plan to send out a survey to the Preferred Investor email list to see what folks are interested in before the end of the year. If you are looking for deals please sign up and then fill out the survey when it comes out later this week.

Note Investor Podcast Episode 7 with Bill Bymel

This week I had Bill Bymel from Spurs Capital on the podcast. Bill spent the financial and housing crisis at ground zero in south Florida, and talks about what those crazy times were like. His specialty is investing in some of the more challenging states that most investors avoid, which I find fascinating. He is also the author of the book Win Win Revolution, which I have read and highly recommend to note investors. You can listen to the episode on iTunes here or watch it on YouTube: