Fusion Income Fund Coming Soon

Fusion Income Fund Webinar – Tuesday November 12

I am in the process of setting up a 506c mortgage note fund, which will be open soon to accredited investors. It will be called Fusion Income Fund, I. If you are an accredited investor and are interested in learning more about it, please join me for a webinar on November 12. The link to register is below. This has been in the works for a while now, but things are coming together quickly. I have already had a bid accepted on a pool of 20+notes. I will have a lot more details on this to follow in the coming weeks.

Webinar registration URL: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZDBXOHffSgCbqKn39fN4aw
Tuesday, November 12 – 6:00pm MT / 8:00pm ET

The Note Investor Podcast Episode 10 – 2nds with Sherman Arnowitz

This week I was able to speak with Sherman Arnowitz, who is an expert on seconds. I only have experience with first liens, so I excited to learn about a new topic. Sherman also has a number of note education offerings, and was kind enough to provide us with a discount code. If you use the code FUSION at http://courses.keyholeacademy.com/, you will get 50% off. You can listen to the episode on iTunes here or watch it on YouTube:

Webinar Replay

Last Tuesday I did a webinar where I talked about Cutting Deals with Borrowers. I went through 3 case studies on active deals, where I discussed the decisions I faced and then how they turned out. You can catch the replay here: