Note Investing Podcasts

If you listen to a lot of podcasts you may be looking for some that cover note investing. I thought in this week’s newsletter I would share a couple of note investing podcasts I have been a guest on that I recommend checking out. Click the images below for the links to their pages.

The Note Closers Show

This is Scott Carson’s podcast and it covers a combination of interviews, webinars, and most every topic under the sun related to notes. Scott has been doing notes and podcasting longer than just about anyone, and this is probably the most comprehensive source of information on notes compared to any other podcast out there. The link to the episode I was on is here and also at the bottom of this email. It was episode 319 from last August where I discussed quitting my job and transitioning to working on notes full time.

Good Deeds Note Investing

This one is done by Chris Seveney and Gail Greenburg, who are 2 extremely active and knowledgeable note investors. What I really like about their podcast is they discuss a lot of the nitty gritty details of note investing and don’t sugar coat anything. The link to the episode I was on is here and also on the image below. They do a lot of open mic nights where anyone can come on. I wasn’t planning on it ahead of time, and I called in to ask them and Chad Urbshott some questions about how to handle a problem property. It turned into a good discussion on some deals that have run into unexpected problems. So its not only a good podcast in general, but if you listen live its also a good opportunity to get some questions answered in real time.

If you have any recommendations for podcasts related to notes (or anything else for that matter) please let me know and I’ll try to share the links next time.