Getting Started on 2018 + An Excel Video

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and is off to a productive New Year. For me December is usually a pretty slow and relaxing month. This year it was anything but and was by far the busiest and most productive December I have ever had. I was able to get a note deal funded and also set up to do Scott Carson’s Fast Track in February. I also made a lot of headway making contacts with asset managers and getting the back end of my notes business set up.

But the very end of the year and first week of this New Year were pretty rough. A flu bug hit some of my family after Christmas and then I had a wheel on my car crack. Not sure how a wheel cracks without hitting anything, but the -16F temperatures I encountered while driving thru Minnesota to visit family may not have helped??? I also had a lot of stress in my corporate job as a strategic partnership that I was trying to get closed by the end of the year didn’t happen. It was pretty frustrating to have to work on that over the holidays and then not get there, but I’ll get that one closed shortly. Then I got hit with the flu bug on New Year’s which flattened me for a few days.

So I didn’t relax too much over the holidays and didn’t accomplish much in the first week of January. Fortunately this is a marathon and not a sprint and I’m more motivated than ever to accomplish all of the goals I have set for 2018. However in the midst of all that chaos I was able to record the first video in my series on using Excel for notes and get a YouTube channel set up.

This first one is on formatting, which may seem like a dull topic but I think it is actually one of the most important things with Excel, and it’s something that even many experienced users do poorly. You can check it out here:

I hope this can help you out, and as always let me know if you have any feedback. As I get deeper in the series I may release some of these and then re-record them based on the feedback I get. I hope your 2018 has been off to a fast start!